A transformative self-paced course for the individual who is ready to take back control of their brain in order to break through the beliefs and behaviours that are holding them back from experiencing true self-love, happiness and success

Your science-backed toolkit to…

  • Build self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Rewire your brain to habitually love yourself

  • Create powerful habits and routines that promote inner peace, joy, motivation and mental well-being

  • Step into a new level of success in your career and relationships

  • Take back control of your life circumstances

  • Empower yourself with the knowledge to make your brain work with you, rather than against you


Self-love is a lifestyle - it’s the way you show up for yourself. It’s the habits and behaviours that you engage in (or don't engage in), it’s the way you let go of shame around your self-beliefs and emotions, it’s the way you carry yourself authentically, and it’s the way you embrace a life of mental wellness. All of which stem from what’s going on inside your brain. Learn the “self-love lifestyle”, and start living a life of happiness and mental well-being.


  • Portal of video trainings to empower yourself with the knowledge to make your brain work with you rather than against you

  • 18+ worksheets and exercises for implementation

  • 3 affirmation recordings for confidence, self-esteem, and self-trust

  • Lifetime access to community chat for further guidance and support from myself and other like-minded individuals

  • Lifetime access to any future updates & additions to the course

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9 Modules Curated Just For YOU

  • Our brains respond by reinforcing neural connections that align with your predominant habitual thinking. Which in other words means that every response that we have to anything, is based upon the behaviours and patterns that our own unique brains hold, which has been determined based off our past experiences. We have the ability to change our current learned behaviours, thoughts and habits, all of which will shift the perception of our past experiences and allow for us to respond in different ways, which then allows us to live life differently

  • Every behaviour, and even self-talk, can either lead to networks in the brain that will cause anxiety, anger, and undesirable emotions and moods, or it will lead to networks that cause happiness and optimal brain health - it depends on the chemical that’s being released, which are dependant on the behaviours and thoughts that we have and partake in

  • The way you experience life is ultimately perception, and that perception is formed through your internal world - the way you view yourself, the way you view the world, and your own beliefs, which are formed through the ages 0-8 years old

  • You have the power to create your life BECAUSE of the RAS; if you put focus on the things you actually desire, you inevitably will attract it because your brain will search for ways and opportunities to bring it into your life because it thinks its relevant

  • The how and why around why you’re limiting yourself from living a life of happiness, peace and freedom - learning to love and accept every part of you

  • As we’ve established, the subconscious is responsible for our autopilot programming. It’s how we behave and think without any effort. The beliefs that our subconscious holds dictate how we feel about ourselves, it dictates the actions that we either take or don’t take towards our goals. So, if we want to change the way we feel about yourselves, change the results we see in our lives, and change the way we react and respond to certain situations, we need to reprogram and rewire our mind to run on autopilot with different beliefs

  • Emotions are energy, and within each emotion, you play into the thought patterns and behaviours that are associated with that emotion. Now based on neuroscience we know that your behaviours dictate your results, and your emotional state of being will affect your behaviour. You need to master your energy in order to master your results

  • Everything that you do in your day-to-day is a habit. Why? Because your brain wants to run on autopilot, so it looks at the things you habitually do and then it stores it as its autopilot program in the subconscious mind, so that it doesn’t have to use too much energy thinking about it. Your life is in the hands of your habits and routines; they dictate whether or not you get a healthy production of feel-good neurotransmitters, and they dictate whether or not you take aligned action towards your goals. You need habits and routines that set you up for success

  • Tips and tricks to make your brain work with you rather than against you

WHY Self-Love Mastery?

There are lots of courses covering topics around cultivating self-love. But none of them cover every aspect around the brain the way Self-Love Mastery does. Loving yourself and creating a life of fulfillment is far more than just retraining your brain to think about yourself differently. It requires ensuring your habits and routines support healthy production of feel-good neurotransmitters so that you can actually master your emotions and thoughts at a root level. It requires actually understanding why you hold the beliefs you do, and learning to let go of shame all while cultivating forgiveness and acceptance. Self-love is a lifestyle; and Self-Love Mastery teaches you everything you need to know about mastering that lifestyle

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